Who We Are

Our Mission

Giving animals the gift of mobility with bionic solutions and love.

We believe our mission is told better through action. Watch these incredible animals overcome adversity because of Bionic Barns work.


Derrick takes on his biggest challenge yet by making a leg brace for Jabu the elephant after an injury left him unable to walk properly.


Subject to frostbite as a newborn, Moko lost his ear and parts of is rear legs. Since finding a forever home at Ziggys rescue, he has had the help he needed to overcome every adversity. 


This mini dwarf pony was born barely able to walk, she had to be carried everywhere so that she wouldn’t hurt herself. Pumpkin’s family went above and beyond to give her new legs — and a new lease on life.

Derrick Campana of Bionic Pets is undoubtedly the only reason Moko is still here today. He has helped fit Moko for countless prosthetics, tweaked them as he grew bigger, and has loved Moko and Jumbie in a way we will eternally be grateful for.

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